This passage blew my mind yesterday. I sent it out to the intercessors immediately because it is exactly what we are pursuing, along with a list of how to pray. Wise people are builders! What are we building? Families. Businesses. Communities.
This is how we bring the kingdom to earth— one home at a time. My home and your home become Papa’s home. Pray with me for wisdom, insight, skilled leadership, strategy, and astute advisers, for us as we build— it’s all here in this scripture, which feels like a provision in itself. The path to victory will be made clear!

The Bible says, "a wise woman builds her house." As we build our kingdom houses, we are setting up kingdom embassies where God’s kingdom has full reign.This means that we have the power to usher in righteousness, peace, and joy IN the Holy Spirit to rule and reign in our homes and it will spill from there into our places of business and communities. It’s God’s plan for a holy takeover.
Building our community looks like both seeking God for strategy together and linking arms to intercede for revival and reformation in our country. We pursue this for the sake of our kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews—and all of God’s kids. Their identity, purpose and very lives are under unprecedented attack right now in our country.
⏰ Do you know what time it is? As God’s people, it’s our role to know:
What time we are in
What God’s doing on the earth
And how to partner.
Did you know that the Hebrew calendar tells us that we are in the year of the Mother? I believe that the time for action is now. Deborah’s, spiritual mama bears, we need you! I will share about the season that we are in based on what the spirit has been revealing and confirming within our tribe and from many prophetic voices when we meet again to continue to unpack Freedom House on 2/7 at 6:30PM CST.
Email me for a link of our first meeting (please watch before coming on the 7th). Here’s the video that I tried sharing during the call. Please enjoy— it's a power packed paradigm shifting 5 minutes! It’s part of our Freedom House calling.
If you have specific questions after you watch and process, please send them to me so that I can address them. Your questions are helpful as I unpack this vision.😉
Save the dates:
Our tribe will have in person gatherings this spring 🙌🏻 I made a recent change so make sure they’re correct in your calendar.*
5/4 at 1 Communion Dedication at Jenn Shook’s & a June date TBD, likely 6/15, right before we leave Texas again. More details to come.
Mission Trip: April 13th from 1-5PM— I am gathering up our tribe for a prayer mission trip! We will join other believers who are gathering to intercede for our country at the state capital. It’s time for the Esther’s & Deborah’s to ARISE! (Learn more about the divine moment that we are in by watching this 5 min video where Lou Engle speaks about this prayer mobilization of women, starting with the state capitals on 4/13 and then moving to the nation’s capital in October. If you want even more information, listen to this podcast.)
The kingdom is forcefully advancing! Let’s go!
