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Enjoying Outdoor

Unveiling Your Essential Self

U-YES is a nine month interactive course that is geared toward empowering you to say "yes" to your truest self. You were created to be a one-of-a-kind incarnation of Christ. This group experience will be a time of discovery, becoming, and celebration. The world awaits your glory. It's time for you to be unveiled!

Course Offerings

Have we allowed fear to tame us?

Ask Yourself:

How much sway do the expectations of others have on who I am?

What does my true self hide behind? 

What makes me come alive?

Who am I -- apart from what I do and all the hats I wear?

How has religion boxed me in?

How have I limited the diety in me?

What are the things I didn't say that needed saying?

Is my life happening to me or am I steering my course?
God dreamt you up and then created you. Imagine the moment of inspiration...What solutions do you carry? How does your expression usher His kingdom to the earth? When we connect with His voice, his exhale is our inhale. We have what we need to move forward and manifest what he's dreamed for us.Your Story is still unfolding. You can write the next chapter.Let's do it together!

Your Guides 
Click the image to get to know them better.

Yellow Flowers

We will meet remotely every 4th Thursday, 7-8:30PM CST.
We launch on March 24th.

Tuition for the course is payable in 9 monthly installments of $333.
Your True Self is WORTH it!

Who you essentially are--the reason why you were put on this earth--when you discover that, you won't want to be anyone else!

Don't hesitate! Registration closes on March 21st and spaces are limited.

Who is your truest self?
It's time to Discover, Embrace, and Release her. You were created to be Wild & Free!


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